Established in 2006

K9 Health Center is devoted to support and improve the quality of life of your pet. This includes mobility, canine exercise, performance and conditioning and the mental wellbeing of your pet.

  • Pre/Post operative conditions
  • Rehabilitation (tendon, muscle, spinal and joint injuries)
  • Post Stroke
  • Pain management
  • Obesity
  • Weight Management
  • Puppies growth & confidence
  • AKC Fitness
  • Emotional Training and Support

Come Find Us

We're open 09:00-18:00 Tuesday to Saturday, CLOSED Sunday & Monday

1025 Yale Street, Houston, TX 77008

Phone: 832 713 1540

Frequently asked questions

1Can I stay with my dog?

We prefer and actively promote that our Clients come along with their dogs for every session. We use this time to explain what we are doing and why, encouraging you to interact and mentally support your pet, discuss their progress and resolve concerns you may have. Refreshments are included and always available and we enjoy working with you. **Covid 19 Procedures now in place: please call for updated information.**

Our business is all about transparency and participation. You can only be comfortable when you see what we do – we don’t subscribe to ‘black-box’ treatments.

2Can I bring my family or other dogs?
Dogs play an important role in your family and we are more than comfortable if you wish to bring a guest along to observe. However, it is your responsibility for them whilst on our premises and if it detracts from our treatment we may ask you to reconsider for future visits. ** Covid Procedures now apply**
3What training does the therapist have?
All our staff follow a recognized qualification in Hydrotherapy and are overseen by a Clinical Director who specializes in advanced Hydrotherapy techniques and application. We work to the highest ethical and care standards and you can be sure that the member of staff looking after your pet is well trained, qualified and experienced. We will not compromise on our duty of care, or our standards and we will always explain what we are doing and why. It’s your pet – so it’s your right to know and our obligation to explain. We don’t use ‘jargon’ – we explain it so you’ll understand.
4Is my dog in the water treadmill alone, he may be frighted of this ?
There will be two persons with your pet in the treadmill at all times. We have a long-bed treadmill to ensure that one therapist can support and encourage your pet, whilst the other can provide advance treadmill techniques and exercises. This is the Industry standard for our qualification and governing bodies. We just don’t comply – we go beyond.
5What do all of the treatments cost?
Your treatment costs depends on the time spent with the therapist. It may be 30 mins to an hour and will involve the use of different techniques and equipment. We are happy to discuss with you at the time of your consultation because no-one can tell what’s required until we actually see and assess the problem. Our pricing is fair and value for money and thanks, but no thanks, we don’t accept tips – you pay for a service which we are proud to deliver and that’s what we have built our reputation upon. If you really want to tip, I’m sure our suggested animal charity or occasional fund-raising efforts would be pleased to accept your donations. Our aim is to help others less fortunate than ourselves.
6Can you teach my dog to swim?
We teach confidence in your dog in order he is happy to paddle or swim as he wishes.
7My dog doesn’t like the water…
We are careful to introduce the dog to the water in a calm and controlled manner. During Clinical treatment we find that the dogs which initially are not so keen on the water are the ones who work the hardest and quickly settle in to working in the pool. The Hydro Spa and the treat at the end of the session quickly become the key attraction of the hydro experience and is usually the favourite part of their visit.
8Can I not just take my dog to the beach/river/my own pool?
You can exercise your dog in any water but you may not know what is in the water with him! Weeds, broken glass, other creatures. Do you know what the water quality is like? Cold water is not so good on sore muscles or arthritic joints. We encourage all our dogs to have fun when they come to us as the mental stimulation aids the rehabilitation process.
9What can I expect as an outcome?

Every dog is different, although we have one goal – to let your dog live the best life they can. After every session we provide feedback and encourage the owner to report developments to us every time the dog comes in for treatment. Reports are shared with your Veterinarian and other small animal rehabilitation professionals.

The best hydrotherapy outcome is best delivered as a Vet/Owner/Hydrotherapist three-way team.


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